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A member registered Dec 01, 2021

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hmmm... i think it's a bug

if you press continue on the main menu and continue for the last version you start with the coyote club almost at 9 all you need to do is get Rachel to level 2

(4 edits)

*Edit* not played this in a while and just downloading the newest version

if i am remembering right the club quest are multi-quests, have you tried doing the first part of the hawk quest  first

game fix - you need to lock all quest with Rose in them till you unlock/find her because I'm ehhh. doing one of Helga's quests and she popped up thanking you for finding her when i haven't found her and her task thing says "no idea where Rose is, It can't be hard to find her" 

where do you find her bye the bye

Darn you Masako

R.I.P :P

(2 edits)

Edit 1* because I know when certain people sees this there going act like I'm saying that one of these will happen, THESE ARE THEORIES I'm not saying one of those will happen I'm saying they could, I can and have been wrong in the past

Edit 2* I know that her name is Emiko I just shortened it to Eko

I have feeling like this is going to turn out one of two ways

1. the main character finds out that Aneko unconsciously used some kind of power to make Eko to hold and protect part of her mind which leads to a quest line of the main character looking for the fragments of Aneko's mind that disappeared when Eko died then after the quest line is done Eko's card turns into Aneko's

2. Some point in the story Eko's bodies going to go missing and the main character will find out that she was resurrected and is fighting in one of the rival teams which will lead to a stupid scene of the main character grovelling telling her that he's sorry he got her killed

I hope to god if it's one of these then I hope it's along the lines of 1, although if it's one of the two something inside me is telling me that 2 will be closer to what will happens, the reason I think that is because you get Eko's card one or two events before she dies and then they put a spell over her body to "protect it"

(6 edits)

"the fairy tale was over" no I don't think so, that was simply to get a reaction out of people and since Emikos card is still in the girls tab, I'm guessing he will be bringing her back to life later in the story

did the enhanced edition get an update too or was it just the normal version